How To Cancel TurboTax Deluxe? TurboTax is a popular tax preparation software that many people use to file their taxes. However, sometimes you may need to cancel your TurboTax Deluxe subscription. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of canceling your TurboTax Deluxe subscription.
How To Cancel TurboTax Deluxe?
Step 1: Log In To Your TurboTax Account
To cancel your TurboTax Deluxe subscription, you’ll need to log in to your TurboTax account. If you don’t already have an account, you can create one on the TurboTax website.
Step 2: Navigate To The “Service And Support” Page
After logging in to your account, navigate to the “Service and Support” page. You can find this page by clicking on the “Help” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Click On “Contact Us”
On the “Service and Support” page, click on the “Contact Us” button. This will bring up a list of contact options.
Step 4: Choose “Talk To A Specialist”
From the list of contact options, choose “Talk to a Specialist.” This will bring up a chat window where you can speak with a TurboTax representative.
Step 5: Request To Cancel Your Subscription
In the chat window, request to cancel your TurboTax Deluxe subscription. The representative will likely ask you for some additional information, such as your name and account details, in order to process the cancellation.
Step 6: Verify Your Identity
In order to cancel your subscription, you may need to verify your identity. The representative may ask you for some personal information, such as your social security number or date of birth, in order to confirm that you are the account owner.
Step 7: Confirm The Cancellation
Once the representative has verified your identity, they will confirm the cancellation of your TurboTax Deluxe subscription. You should receive an email confirmation of the cancellation shortly after.
How Do I Downgrade TurboTax From Deluxe To Free?
If you started your tax return in TurboTax Free Edition (for simple returns only; not all taxpayers are eligible) and want to return to TurboTax Free Edition, select Switch to Free Edition in the left menu.
Why Does TurboTax Keep Going To Deluxe?
This is a problem that happens from time to time, but we have an easy solution. The conversion issue occurs because TurboTax defaults to saving your return as an encrypted file. The solution is to open your previous-year return in TurboTax, create a duplicate, and then save a copy without encryption.
Why Won T TurboTax Let Me File For Free?
For the first time in years, Intuit-owned TurboTax is not part of the IRS Free File program. Free File is a partnership between the government and several tax prep services that allows people to draw up and, in some cases, submit their federal tax returns online for free.
How Do I Change My TurboTax Package?
To find out which income, credits, and deductions are included in each edition of TurboTax Online, visit our online tax software page. Note: there is no way to downgrade a TurboTax product once it has been upgraded. You will need to create a new return and choose a lower version.
In conclusion, canceling your TurboTax Deluxe subscription is a simple process that can be completed by contacting TurboTax customer service. By following these steps, you’ll be able to cancel your subscription and avoid any further charges.
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